Today’s question is, “How do you write a fishing blog when you don’t go fishing?” The answer is, “With difficulty.” 2022 is turning out to be one of those years that you would rather forget and I haven’t got to the bank very often at all. I won’t bore you with the details, but health problems in the family have kept me otherwise occupied culminating with two funerals in five days! Not an experience I want to repeat
Anyway, I finally got the chance to go fishing this week, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining for a change and so it looked like a good day to be outside. I chose to go to a water that I have only been to once before and I only caught a small perch then so I thought that I would try and do better. Stuff at home kept me occupied in the morning so I didn’t arrive until about eleven. One of the good things about this venue is that you can park next to the lake as I am still not happy about lugging my gear any distance until I get my heart medication properly sorted out. However, before I got there along the farm track there was a puddle right across and I thought that it could only be a few inches deep but as I got into it I felt like one of those cars that you see on YouTube which misjudges the depth of a puddle and gets stuck. Fortunately my car is an SUV and therefore quite tall and we made it through but it did give me a fright! The swim was completely covered in bird poo and so I had to go around the corner, not far. I had plenty of room on the bank to lay out my gear and so was able to set up without any problems. I soon had the carp rod in with a method feeder and boilie and decided to go with my feeder rod as this water is quite deep. Soon both rods were in the water and I was gazing expectantly at the quiver tip waiting for a bite. I waited and waited, only the regular refilling of the feeders giving me something to do.
Time passed, the sun went behind a tree, I got a bit chilly, more time passed. I have heard it said that fishing can be boring when you don’t catch anything and I would always prefer to catch something than not, but when I am not catching I am thinking about what to change in order to catch fish. There is that saying about doing the same thing and expecting different results and I think that definitely applies to fishing. So, time to make changes, the first thing I did was to change the area where I was casting the carp rod to in the hope of finding fish. Next was to put groundbait, maggots and pellets in closer to the bank in the hope of attracting some fish, then I moved my feeder rod there and sat back. Hopes raised I looked eagerly at my tip but there was no movement.
It was after one by now so I decided to use the most deadly tactic known to fishermen, and women of course, one that has never been known to fail, that of having lunch while your rods are in the water. Except that this time I was able to eat my lunch in peace without being bothered by fish! How I wished that I could have knocked my flask over and spill my tea in the excitement of getting a bite but it was not to be.
I have to admit that I was getting a bit bored by now, I continued to ring the changes, changing bait, casting to different areas and eventually, in desperation, setting my float rod up so that I had something different to look at! After a while my eyes started to wander and I began taking in my surroundings. All through the session I had been listening to ducks which were over the far side of the lake, there were quite a few and I did a rough count and came to seventy approximately. Although we have bird flu in the locality it does not seem to bothering these ducks or the swans sitting on the far bank. After a while the swans left the bank and swam over to the car park swim followed by the rest of the ducks. They all got out and disappeared from sight and peace descended on the water, no more quacking and splashing! Without them in the background I was able to hear other noises, the “tit, tit” of a robin, the alarm call of a blackbird, the sound of a Tyrannosaurus on heat or was it some farm machinery in the distance? The voices of dog walkers as they passed by. God only knows where they come from, I was sat in the middle of farm fields miles from the nearest village and yet there were dog walkers! No wonder it is always them that discover the dead bodies!

I was contemplating the scenery when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a bird land in the top of a tree. Nothing unusual about that you might say and you would be right, except that this bird was quite large and white and had landed on the very top of the tree. The only bird I could think it to be was an egret but I have never seen one in a tree before!
But I digress, back to the fishing, or at least I would if there was anything to report but I was still blanking. As if on some secret but silent signal the ducks came streaming back onto the lake and as the sun was now getting towards the horizon I decided to give it a few more minutes before packing up. A few minutes passed, I packed up and went home. As I walked back to the car I noticed the swans, actually geese, looking at me with curiosity. I made several trips to and fro with my gear and each time I left the car the geese approached it for a look and then backed off on my return!
What did I learn? Well, I already knew that you don’t always catch fish so that was a lesson reinforced. I had spent some hours in nature so was happy with that and not too grumpy when I got home. This seems to be a difficult water to fish and I am torn between wanting to go back and conquer it or giving it a miss and fishing somewhere else. When I got home I looked up where I had been fishing this time last year and it was mostly in the river so maybe I will give that a go. It may be some time though as the missus has been looking at paint colour charts and talking about decorating and I know who that means!

Enjoy reading your blogs, very well written, well done. On a side note, did you find what fell in last blog you wrote?
Thanks for your kind words, it does make me feel that it is worthwhile making the effort to write the blog if people enjoy reading it!
I’d forgotten about what fell in the water, I haven’t discovered anything essential missing so I guess it was something like a plumb bob. One day I will look for something and it won’t be there so the mystery will be solved!