I was quite pleased with my first fishing trip. I had remembered how to tackle up and managed to catch some fish so I thought that I would carry on for a bit. I tried different techniques on the feeder rod using both quiver and swing tips. I also tried different floats and baits and had a go at breeding maggots as I was still staying away from people and didn’t want to go to the shop.
After a couple more sessions on the canal where I caught small roach and rudd again I thought that I would have a look at the river that the club had the rights to so set out to explore a quite remote location. When I arrived I could see that it was going to be difficult fishing. The river itself was no more than a large stream and as it was by now late summer it was very shallow. It was also very difficult to get to in places as the banks were overgrown with nettles. I managed to find a couple of swims and was soon pulling out small fish again including minnows which seemed to have the habit of swallowing the bait and hook as far down as they could. After this session I had a look on Youtube on how to use the disgorger properly, which helped!
I was a bit disappointed with my efforts as I had heard that there were some decent fish in the river and decided to wait until the nettles had died down and the river had filled up a bit before trying again.

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