As I have said before I am struggling a bit with finding something to write about as I haven’t been fishing much and when I have I haven’t caught much. if anything! Fortunately this week, Ben, one of my Facebook friends has come to the rescue with a short but evocative piece about looking forward to getting onto the bank in those balmy summer days.
Being out of the house early due to work is a blessing and a curse at the same time, but this winter has been different…
Every morning I arrive at the top of a large hill looking down into a valley which I have to walk through and get to the other side and as I work my way down the said valley I often see a variety of animals, birds and even sounds, but on the most misty of mornings I often think about how wonderful it would be to be kneeling on a damp river bank looking for signs of fish under a bridge or two…….
As I’m walking my mind wanders and I dream of images of an almost perfect day catching roach, chub and perch while listening to bird song. Admittedly I haven’t been on the bank much this year what with pandemic stuff and working in education, but who says you can’t spend mornings dreaming of times and possibilities? If only, if only……
2022 brings a new year and new opportunities and this is the year I’m going to have a good go at getting out once a week. All fishing is good to me, I just need the sound of the water to transport me away……
Till next time,

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