Really, I am a sailor not an angler. I have an old cruiser and a modern take on a traditional dinghy, glassfibre and red/brown sails, you know the sort of thing. I also own an inflatable kayak which I use to paddle up and down the canal.
When I retired a few years ago I thought that my wife and I would be sailing around the coast of Britain enjoying adventures and pastures new but it was not to be. She began to feel unwell and after several years was diagnosed with an auto immune disease which, if it had been left untreated would have been fatal. Fortunately there is treatment but no cure and although she is much better than she was she is not up to much and so I have to look after her and the house so not much sailing anyway!
Which brings us to 2020 and the Covid19 pandemic. No sailing this year and shielding from other people as my wife is a vulnerable person. By the summer I was getting fed up with being at home and thinking about what I could do to get out of the house with minimal contact with other people. Then it came to me, fishing! It is about twenty five years since I last went fishing but a quick trip up into the attic showed me that my gear was still OK so I bought a licence and joined the local club and off I went.
This blog is the story of how I got back into a different angling world, one where carp fishing has become big business and commercial fisheries are everywhere. It is the story of my successes and failures and my thoughts and observations about my time on the bank. I have no idea where this journey will take me but I hope that you will come with me and enjoy reading my blog.